Author: Becky Jenner

9th World Rett Syndrome Congress

2nd to 5th October 2024 in Queensland, Australia The Rett Syndrome Association of Australia are delighted to announce that after a couple of postponements due to the pandemic the congress is very much back on! We will keep you informed here as updates are shared but also check out their website . The programme is […]

Mi Princesa Rett – December 16th Event

One of the Spanish associations, Mi Princesa Rett are delighted to announce an event at San Juan de Dios hospital in Barcelona on December 16th. Please see poster for more information. The team there have also recently published a new paper called Mitochondrial modulation with leriglitazone as a potential treatment for Rett syndrome. An interesting […]

International Support for Georgia

We are delighted to share the report from our colleagues in Georgia, Gvantsa and Tina, who hosted a highly experienced team from the Netherlands between the 13th and 19th October 2023. Gerna Scholte, Hanneke Borst, Kitty van der Werff, and the chairman of Parents Rett Syndrome Association Netherlands, Mariëlle van den Berg, were invited to […]

CGPMax supplement

We have been made aware of this product, a natural supplement to support brain health, by a parent of a girl with Rett syndrome in Spain whose daughter has been taking it. The product has been developed for the aged population and not specifically to help with Rett syndrome. It has not been subject to […]

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