Author: Becky Jenner

Airett Conference

Airett are delighted to announce that after an absence of two years they will be hosting a hybrid event on 10th and 11th June 2022. THE THEMES OF THE CONFERENCE Scientists and researchers will provide updates on the latest clinical trials and what is on the horizon. A special attention will be paid to the […]

Support for Families in Ukraine

You are not alone! We know that nothing will ever compensate the tragedy of suffering a war, but we´ll do our best to support all Rett families who had to face it. Wether you are a family in need or someone who wants to help, please check the information bellow. Clearly things can change quickly […]

AIRETT International Call for Research Projects

AIRETT is delighted to announce its second international call for base, clinical and rehabilitation research projects on Rett syndrome. They believe that the work of different research centres (even with international collaborations) could help speed work towards a cure for the disorder. Research groups can ask for up to 100,000 euros for a two-year project. […]

Trofinetide Update

Could Trofinetide be the first drug to be approved specifically to treat Rett syndrome? On 7th December 2021, Neuren announced positive ‘top line’ results for from the Phase 3 trial in Rett syndrome. The drug had met both it’s endpoints demonstrating an improvement on the Rett Syndrome Behaviour Questionnaire and the Clinical Global Impression of […]

Covid Boosters for People with Rett Syndrome

Lots of families are considering whether their daughter/son with Rett syndrome should have the booster Covid jab. Here Ana Abdala, member of our Scientific Advisory Board, gives her view which we hope you will find helpful. ‘A search of multiple databases did not return any specific studies of COVID vaccination in people who have Rett […]

General Assembly 2021

Please join us for our General Assembly 27th November 10am to 1.30pm CET The agenda and invitation with relevant papers have been emailed to our members. Please contact us in case you haven´t received it and would like it to be resent. We are delighted that two members of the Scientific Advisory Board will be […]

Hello Camille!

In the second of our Family Focus features, Laetitia and Nicolas from Belgium, share their story about new diagnosis and how meeting a family who were so positive really helped in those early days. ‘Since her birth, Camille has been our sun during the day as well as our little star at night … she […]

New Podcast by Jenny Downs

Podcast no 29 : Jenny Downs : Environmental enrichment intervention for Rett Syndrome: an individually randomised stepped wedge trial. ‘This study reinforces why an enriched environment is so important. Not only do children gain important gross motor skills that enable them to be able to explore and have enriched experiences, they also have a physiological […]

Rett Syndrome Russia Shares New Rehab Film

We are delighted to share this file “We Can. We do” which was made as part of the Russian Rett Syndrome Association’s project “Mutual Help: International Cooperation for Children” no. 20-1-027505. The project was the winner of the Presidential Grant fund competition. The film is one of four films in the project. It reflects facets […]

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