Author: Becky Jenner


Share your reason for action on rare diseases! Rett syndrome is one of around 6000 rare diseases but is one the more common ones affecting 1;10,000 females and 1;40,000 males. We do not know how many people there are living in Europe with Rett syndrome but there are 30 million people living with a rare […]

Meet Ann Charlotte…

Ann-Charlotte is 73 years old and lives in Sweden. Many thanks to Ann-Charlotte, her family and Helena Wandin at The National Rett Centre in Sweden for permission to share this story in the first of our new Family Focus features. ‘Ann-Charlotte “Lottan” Holmström is most probably the oldest person with Rett Syndrome in Sweden and […]

Russian Rett Syndrome Association – October Awareness Event

In the framework of the project of the Russian Rett Syndrome Association (2020-2021, No. 20-1-027505, Directorate: Development of Public Diplomacy) “Mutual Support: International Cooperation on behalf of Children”, the project team visited Minsk, Belarus on 24-27 October 2020. The Russian project team, consisting of the coordinator, director, operator and medical expert, was in Minsk at […]

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