
Rett UK bangs the drums for families in South East England

November 10th saw over 180 people from the South East of England, arriving at The School for Profound Education at the Children’s Trust in Tadworth. Families, specialist medical and therapeutic practioners, staff and board members of Rett UK took part in the largest gathering of the Rett Community in England for many years.   There […]

The 2012 RSE General Assembly

  The 17th November took place the Rett Syndrome Europe general assembly in London, UK where Lorna Jaffa, representative from RettUK, welcomed the delegates to the meeting. 14 countries were represented that day and two researchers; Angus Clarke and Laurent Villard were also invited. Member countries each gave a brief report about their associations. Martine […]

6th annual DIA Clinical Forum

DIA Clinical Forum in the Hague 2012 – A report from Danijela Szili For more info check DIA is a neutral global nonprofit association that provides knowledge resources across the full spectrum of medicinal product development. It organizes Conferences and Forums for all the stakeholders including patient advocates. This years Clinical Forum took place […]

First EUPATI Workshop

EUPATI (European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation), is a 5 year-project funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), a joint undertaking of the European commission and EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations). It is led by the European Patients’ Forum (EPF) in collaboration with the VFA (Verband der Forschenden Arzneimittelhersteller, Germany) and a consortium […]

Rett family conference in Moscow

On September 15th, in Moscow, the Russian association has organised a Rett family conference day where parents, doctors and teachers were invited. 65 Parents coming from all places in Russia as well as from Ukraine and from Kazakhstan were involved. Some Rett Friends from France and Finland were also present. Organizers of the conference were […]

RSE and Rett Syndrome Associations from all over the world were present at the 7th World Rett Syndrome Congress in New Orleans

RSE and Rett Syndrome Associations from all over the world were present at the 7th World Rett Syndrome Congress in New Orleans. Rett Syndrome Europe was present at the 7th World Rett Syndrome Congress hosted by IRSF, International Rett Syndrome Foundation, in New Orleans. RSE was represented by Martine Gaudy, RSE Secretary and Thomas Bertrand, […]

The 2012 World Rett Syndrome Congress

The 2012 World Rett Syndrome Congress, hosted for the first time in the United States, is a prestigious global meeting, attended by the world’s leading researchers, clinicians and educators in the field of Rett syndrome. It will consist of 4 distinct, yet interconnected meetings June 22-26, 2012. This dynamic program will help chart the course […]

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