
EURORDIS Winter School 2019

The second edition of EURORDIS Winter School was an event I have longed for months. The training was about scientific innovations and translational research and was held in the prestigious Imagine Institute in Paris. I was very happy and honoured to be one of the 30 selected applicants from the 137 that applied. I am […]

The Greek association “Angels on Earth”

The Association of Parents and Friends of People with RETT Syndrome “Angels on Earth” is a non profit organisation, which aims to undertake every activity that will help people with RETT Syndrome and their parents. The association was created in 2011. The main goals of the association include: a) support and information for the families […]

Rett Syndrome Europe meets in Copenhagen

            RSE held its general assembly on 26/10/2018 to present the activity report and to discuss future plans. This year’s GA meeting took place in Copenhagen, Denmark. Our friends from Landesforeningen Rett Syndroms hosted the meeting and kindly arranged the organisation of the two days To make it more interesting, […]

Rett Rome Report

Rett Rome 2018 took place from September 27-29th and gathered 170 participants from 4 continents and 17 different countries. The aim of this very well organized scientific meeting on the 27th and 28th was to provide a platform for discussion on recent advances in basic, translational and clinical research on Rett syndrome. The meeting also […]

AIRETT International Call for Research Projects on Rett Syndrome

AIRETT, the Associazione Italiana Rett Onlus (no-profit Italian Rett Association) that brings together the families of children affected by Rett syndrome (RTT), intends to contribute to the development of basic research activities, applied clinical research, and development of new rehabilitation approaches focusing on RTT (MeCP2, CDKL5 and FOXG1 genes). We are seeking grant applications that […]

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