
Enhancing collaborations between Rett Centers

  Representatives of the recently opened Rett Center in Paris and the Maastricht Rett Expertise Center meet together on 15/02/2018 with the president of Rett Syndrome Europe in Paris to discuss new ways of working together.   The team of Paris was represented by: Dr Nadia Bahi Buisson, Dr Marie Hully, Prof Brigitte Fauroux, Dr […]

Berlin Congress Report

Country update Berlin 2017 – by Stella Peckary A poster walk of 27 posters with a country update of 25 Rett-Association took place on Friday, during lunch time. A representative of each country was invited to speak briefly about recent activities, National Centres for Rare Diseases and Rett specialist services in his their country. The […]

European Rett Syndrome Congress in Berlin

5. European Rett Syndrome Congress, 2.-4. November 2017, Berlin The unique ambience of the Rett Congress in Berlin: international experts in a cooperative interchange with concerned parents “Connecting people – exchanging knowledge and experience!“ This was the motto of the 5th European Rett Syndrome Congress, which took place at the beginning of November 2017 in […]

Eurordis CEF Workshop 26-27 October 2017 report

By Thomas Bertrand. During the first day, Councils of European Federations (CEF) and Councils of National Alliances (CAN) gathered in Paris to learn about the recent work from Eurordis (RareConnect, RareBarometer, an update from the Eurordis position paper on social policy and the announcement of the next ECRD in Vienna 2018). An Update on ERN […]

Family Day of the Austrian Rett-Syndrome Association

By Stella Peckary. Sept. 23rd, 2017 A small group of Rett-Parents with their children came together at the beautiful site of “Seminarhotel Kletzmayr” in Styria. Because of the warm weather the activities for the Rett-Girls and their siblings took place outside. The carers for the Rett-girls/boys are trained experts for impaired people and have been […]

Presentation of the French “Rett Centre”

     Physician coordinator: Pr Nadia BAHI BUISSON, neuropediatrician Health Care Coordinator: Elisabeth CELESTIN Due to their multiple disability status, most families lack landmarks to identify professionals and have difficulties to organise path of care, which is often complicated and full of obstacles. The Rett Centre is there to accompany them.    1st mission: Care […]

29th French National Rett Days

By Thomas Bertrand. 29th French National Rett Days On 7Th and 8th October took place the French National Rett Days. During the weekend around 250 people gathered in Paris to meet and listen to scientific talks and participated to workshops. Professor Milh (Hopital La Timone – Marseille) started the weekend with a full story about […]

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