
Strong and Weak – Mother’s Day Fundraising Concert

By Danijela Szili. Organized by the Hungarian Rett Syndrome Foundation, the concert took place on April 29, in the Atrium Theatre in Budapest. Very professionally organized by Edinger Katalin and Szucs Alexandra, two moms and board members of our small but very active Foundation, it attracted a lot of attention in the social media and […]

A research consortium against RETT syndrome

PRESS RELEASE Milan, December 3, 2013 – It was held at the headquarters of the IRCCS – Istituto di Ricerche Mario Negri in Milan, the first operational meeting dell’AIRETT RESEARCH TEAM Consortium created by renowned Italian research institutes that are involved in a joint effort to study Rett Syndrome, a rare disease, little known to the general public, for […]

3rd European Rett Syndrome Conference “Research Update and Preventive Management”

By Martine Gaudy and Thomas Bertrand – Maastricht – Netherlands – 17 to 19 October 2013 After those of Milan (2009) and Edinburgh (2010), the third European Rett Syndrome Conference (ERSCM 2013) was held in Maastricht in the Netherlands. ERSCM 2013 is an initiative of the GKC (Gouverneur Kremers Centrum), Stichting Terre (Dutch Rett Syndrome Foundation) and NRSV (Dutch Rett Syndrome Association) […]

EURORDIS Summer school 2013 in Barcelona

EURORDIS (European Organisation for Rare Diseases) launched the Summer School in 2008 to empower patients’ representatives in the areas of clinical trials and EU regulatory affairs. EURORDIS’ training programs and resources are designed to strengthen the capacity of rare disease patients’ representatives. Training empowers patients’ representatives to advocate effectively for rare diseases at both the […]

EURORDIS Membership Meeting 2013 and DITA Task Force meeting in Dubrovnik

By Danijela Szili. EURORDIS is a non-governmental patient-driven alliance of patient organisations representing 585 rare disease patient organisations in 54 countries covering over 4000 diseases. Every year EURORDIS organizes its Membership Meeting in a different European city. This is an occasion for patient representatives to gather and learn from each other. The EURORDIS Membership Meeting 2013 […]

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