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Share your Stories #WWYG

It is not too late! Let’s make October awareness month a success! Tell the world WHY WOULD YOU GIVE to Rett syndrome charities/associations. If you wish that people support your organisation, ask them to share what would motivate them to give, whether it’s running a marathon, signing a check, organising an event or taking part in a clinical trial. If you […]

Please help maintaining the Rett Syndrome Database Network

Dear friends, As President of Rett Syndrome Europe, I am writing to you today to ask for your Association’s support for the European Rett database located in Italy: the Rett Syndrome Database Network (RSDN). The simple fact is that vital research on Rett syndrome or clinical trials cannot be easily achieved without collecting and analysing […]

Czech Republic Association family event

By Michal Kozisek. The 8th Rett Community Czech Family event took place from June 27th to July 4th at Hodonin near Kunstat in the Moravian region. We have set a record this year. More than 80 people – 15 families with Rett syndrome girls, 16 caretakers and other organisers. Rich 7-days programme contained: –          Presentations and workshops for […]

Eurordis Membership Meeting 2015

By Danijela Szili. Each year, the EURORDIS Membership Meeting provides over 200 patients, patient organisations, policy makers and other stakeholders with networking opportunities and capacity-building workshops to improve the lives of those living with a rare disease. The EURORDIS Membership Meeting workshops are designed to allow patients to develop the knowledge and ability to advance […]

5th Catalan Rett Syndrome Day

The Quirón Foundation, with the help of the Catalan Association for Rett Syndrome, organized the fifth edition of the Conference on Rett syndrome, with the aim of providing care for girls, the necessary information for early diagnosis and better treatment of the disease. This new edition, which took place on Saturday, April 11 in Barcelona, […]

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