By Stella Peckary.
The very popular and pleasurable family weekend of the Austrian Rett-Syndrome Association was attended by about 20 Families with Rett-Syndrome Children (Ladies), their siblings and Carers. It started on Friday afternoon with the annual Board meeting. The come together and exchange of private information and experiences of family members is always the most important part of the meeting.
On Saturday Stella Peckary started with an informative Power Point lecture of the Congress 50.1 in Vienna last September, as well as news of other European Rett-Associations, and the work of RSE. Followed by Dr. Christa Einspieler, Med.Uni Graz, Austria, who gave an interesting view of the first remarkable differences between RS-Babies and healthy babies up to the age of twelve months. Especially Hand-stereotypies, non-synchronous twinkling with eyes and first Apraxie of trunk and legs are recognizable at fractionalizing private movies into single pictures.
Prof. Dr. Germain Weber told our community parts of his private life, how he came to know Dr. Rett and to work with him on the study of Rett-Syndrome in Vienna and the USA. Anecdotes of how “Andi” became his mentor and fatherly friend were quite interesting.
An Excursion only for parents – to catch a deep breath – through the woods in the surrounding of Attersee-Lake took us to an outstanding place (power place) with a giant view of the Lake, the „Karnischen Alpen“and the meadows around. Saturday evening, we were all listening carefully to a Pan-flute concert by Willhelm Bröslmeyr. Particularly the Rett-Children loved this kind of music.
We all are looking forward to the next family meeting.
More pictures here