October is Rett Syndrome Awareness month. We would like to dedicate it to the quality of life of our Rett people and raise awareness that despite all the challenges, the life of our Rett children and adults is rich in activities, joy and love.
Therefore, we invite you to send us photos of Rett people enjoying their everyday life, doing different activities (leisure or therapeutical), communicating, sharing moments with their friends and family, having holidays or anything else that you perceive as an indicator of their quality of life and happiness.
Please send the photos you would like to share at info@rettsyndrome.eu indicating the name, age and the country of the Rett person in the photo. A short description of the photo (up to 30 words) would also be appreciated (but is not obligatory) and can be written in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese or Russian. By sending us your photo you are giving a consent to publish it on our website and social media. We would appreciate if the photos could reach us before the beginning of October.
Let´s show together that Rett life is much more than a disability!
Download call for photos flyer in PDF in following languages to share it with your Rett community: