We are delighted to share the report from our colleagues in Georgia, Gvantsa and Tina, who hosted a highly experienced team from the Netherlands between the 13th and 19th October 2023.
Gerna Scholte, Hanneke Borst, Kitty van der Werff, and the chairman of Parents Rett Syndrome Association Netherlands, Mariëlle van den Berg, were invited to conduct the training. During the week, as well as sharing information about Rett syndrome generally, the training programme focused on physical therapies and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) strategies.
RSE was very pleased to be able to provide some financial support for the initiative. Congratulations to the organisers for such a successful event and huge thanks to Marielle, Gerna, Hanneke and Kitty for giving so generously of their time and knowledge. We know it was extremely well received and will benefit the families in Georgia enormously.