La Course Des Héros 2015, Paris & Lyon, France


In Paris and Lyon, June 2015 took place the annual event of The Race of Heroes (La Course des Héros), where people can run 6 or 10 km to raise money for their favorite association. The idea is simple, to be able to run and support one association, one would need to raise at least 250€. part of the raise money will go to the Race’s organizing committee, the rest will go to the supported association. This year AFSR (Association Française du Syndrome de Rett) was the association raising the most money (more than 85,000€), and the most supporting courageous runners (197).


This was a fantastic day as described by Sophie Bourdon, mum of 10-year old Salomé (Momé):

« This solidarity race is a tribute to all the children of the French Rett Syndrome Association and, thanks to the team ‘Everybody behind Momé’, this meant even more for Salomé.

It was the fourth year that we were running it and yet each year we will find the same atmosphere: a crowd fully engaged, dynamic, colorful, running or walking for important causes. Disabled or not people, « ordinary » and « extraordinary » children mix there without difficulty, no strange starring but great kindness and priceless smiles. The Race of Heroes sends us the image of a society in which we dream, a society that perhaps one day will really exists and not only for the time of a race.

On this day, we feel surrounded: surrounded by friends who took up the challenge to collect 250€ to be with Salomé and even run with her for a few kilometers. Surrounded by all these people who have donated to help the team ‘All for Momé’ to live this day. Surrounded by all those who come to support us. Surrounded by the « Rett family » is obviously so important to our heart. »


Official pictures of the Parisian Race can be seen here.

A video courtesy of AFSR can be watched here.

La Course Des Héros 2015, Paris & Lyon, France
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