It is not a coincidence that our last Family Focus story was dedicated to communication. If you haven´t got a chance to read this wonderful story yet … please do, it is very moving and takes us to our theme for Rett Syndrome Global Awareness Month. Once again, thanks to Usree and family for sharing such a wonderful story! So, carrying on with that theme seems very appropriate as we launch our 2023 October Awareness campaign, focusing both on Rett syndrome and AAC as it is also AAC Awareness Month.
Having a meaningful way to communicate is something people with Rett syndrome of all ages and their families can really benefit from. And as we move into a new era of gene therapies and treatments, laying the foundations now for communication, literacy and numeracy is even more important. It is also very likely and hoped for, that communication will have a role to play in clinical trials with patient reported outcomes.
Please join us in sharing photos, videos and stories of your daughter or son using any form of AAC. Email your photos, videos and text to which we will also accept as your consent to share them. Thank you!
People with Rett syndrome are great communicators, they are able to self-advocate, to be literate and numerate – let’s share that message! #EyeCanTalk